Wednesday, March 22, 2017

I feel like the English class has been alright lately , I mean I like that we get free time, and I really do get a lot of ideas from ruby, she usually always helps  me with anything I don't understand

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

today when we took our quiz on The Great Gatsby I felt good about it and I ended up passing

Thursday, February 16, 2017

what I learned in class today when we were talking about the immigrant protest was that Donald Trump wasn't going to care if we missed a day of school or not, if we would have missed a week of work or school that's when people would actually notice a difference he doesn't care about us, so many people were saying that we should " fight for our country and stand up for our elders " when our family came to the US to have a better life because everyone knows that the US is the Land of the Free, for those who care so much about making a " difference " then they should go to school and get a great education and become a politician, at the end of the day from my perspective is that it doesn't matter whether we missed school or not.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Janurary 13
 How do I deal with the unexpected in my life ? I usually try to ignore it and focus on things that I want to focus on or should focus on
Janurary 11th
 A thought or a feeling that I remembered when I walked into this room after coming back from break was that It felt good to be back because I was in mexico for what felt like forever and I actually was looking forward to coming back to school and seeing my friends and all my teachers, even though I wasn't looking forward to the homework, but it just felt good,  I honestly don't know how I can recreate the feeling.
Since I missed the first week of school and missed all the journals, I decided that ill make them up on her and post